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Within the Framework of the Jean Monnet Module Project an International Scientific Conference was held at Georgian Technical University

On November 4-5, 2022, within the framework of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet module project and together with the Association of European Studies for the Caucasus (AESC) the International Scientific Conference "The Caucasus at the Crossroads: What Role for the EU?" was held at Georgian Technical University.
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Scientific projects/grants


Information about the grants and other projects carried out at the faculty.

I. The grant projects executed at the department of Chemical and Biological Technologies of the faculty of Chemical Technologies and Metallurgy.

The direction of Electrochemical Engineering:

INTAS № 93-2493, 1993-1995 Electrodeposited Corrosion Protective Wear Resistant and Environmentally Safe Coating ad an alternative for Hard Chromium;SOROS, 1995-1996 Study of Adsorption at Metal-Solvent Interface by SESP Method;


The project “Technology of Competitive Production with the Purpose of Rehabilitation of the Electrolytic Manganese Dioxidic Plant at Rustavi SS Chemical Factory, 1997”, considered by state target scientific technological programe “Manganese” (4.19.2).

Georgian state budget scientific research project N126 (2005) - “The Elaboration and Provision of Reliable and Safety Conditions of Oil and Natural Gas Main and Communicative Pipelines Exploitation (2005)”.

Georgian state budget scientific research project N126 (2005) – “The Elaboration of the Non-Waste Technologies of the Competetive Manganese Production at the World Market (2005)”.

The grant of South Korean Institute of Industrial Technologies: “The Elaboration of Ozone and Hydrogen Peroxide Receiving Equipment (2006-2008)”.

The direction of Technologies of Organic Substances:

№G 865 MHTLS, 2003-2005;

№GE c2-3336-TB-04 GRDF, 2004-2006;

№ 7140 YNTLS, 2007-2010 ;


The research concerns the synthesis of biologically active tetracyclic, heterocyclic compounds, on the basis of indole, benzimidazole, isatin, furane, thiophene. It also concerns the investigation of their responsiveness and study of their biological activity. In the investigation takes part Birmingham South Research Institute (USA), where the study of biological activity takes place.


The direction of Inorganic Substances and Technologies of Household Production:

In 2002-2003, under the grant funded by Soros was performed the project “The Eco Chemical Research of the Area of Rustavi Chemical Factory”.


The direction of Environment Protection and Engineering Ecology:

УНЦТ project №Gr-70 –“Elaboration and Production of Trial Model of Highly Effective Purification Equipment” (2004-2006).

MHTC project NG-698,2 ( the supervisor prof. – Sh. Andguladze) – “The Purification of Acid Quarry Waters fr om Heavy Metals with the Help of New Technologies of Barite Processing” (2005-2008).


The direction of Biotechnology: the grant topics are completed with the Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnologies.

“The Creation of the Collection of Extremophile Micellar Fungi Sel ected from Different Regions of Caucasus and Its Industrial Utilization”. The project is performed in accordance with STGU G-101 program (2003-2006).

“The New Approach to the Improvement of Ecological Safety of Oil Pipeline”. The project is fulfilled in accordance with STGU – N38-02 program (2006-2009).

“The Creation of Plant Bioconcentrates of Highly Anti-Radiation and Anti- Cancerogenic Effect on the Basis of Polyphenols and the Development of Industrial Technologies for Their Production”, in accordance with STGU –  GG-122 program (2005-2007).

“The Research Centre of Scientific Polymers and Biomaterials”(prof. R Katsarava)

Project development Grant of C.N.R.S (France), 1993;

Individual Grant of International Science (G. Soros) Foundation (ISF), (USA), 1994;

Research Grant of ISF (USA), Grant NO RVFOOO, 1994;

Short-term (3 month) grant of JSPS (Japan), 1994;

Joint Research Grant of ISF (USA) and Georgian Government, Grant No RVF200, 1995;

Travel Grant of G. Soros Open Society “Georgia”, 1996;

Short-term (1month) Grant of DA AD (Germany), 1996;

Long-term (2years) Research Grant of CRDF No G2-116 (USA), 1996;

Grant of Academy of Sciences of Georgia, 1997;

Grant of E. Shevardnadze Foundation, 1997;

Grant of ministry of Health Of Georgia, 1997;

Long-term (2years) Research Grant of Cornell University (USA) (Sponsored by Medicas Natric oxside), 1998;

G. Soros Professor, 1998, 1999;

Long-term (2years) Research Grant of ISTC (G446), 2000;

Equipment Grant of CRDF-RESC Program GR2-997, 2001;

Long-term (3years) Research Grant of ISTC (G-802), 2002;

Mini-grant-2 of CRDF-RESC Program, 2004;

Mini-grant-2 of CRDF-RESC Program, 2005;

Mini-grant-2 of CRDF-RESC Program, 2005;

Research grant from Georgian NSF #GRSF/STO6/ 6-102 (with I. Kutateladze Institute of Pharmacochemistry), 2006;

Research grant from Georgian NSF #GRSF/STO6/ 6-103 (with I. Kutateladze Institute of Pharmacochemistry), 2006;

Grant of FP-6 projekt “INKOMAT”, 2007;

Travel grant from Georgian NSF, 2007;

Research grant (4309) from STCU – Georgia (with. I. Kutateladze Institute of Pharmacochemistry);

Mini-grant-5 of CRDF-RESC Program, 2007;

CRDF/STER grant for scaled-up production of bactericidal medical glue GF-6, 2007;   


At the Educational-Scientific Centre of Chemical Technologies and Management was performed international grant project УНТЦ #Gr-105 (2005-2008) “The Development of a new highly effective and environmentally friendly technology for the processing of arsenic sulphide ores". A new environmentally friendly technology for arsenic production has been developed; A quenching machine designed and made in metal, has been operating. Two patents are carried out. The results are mentioned at the various international conferences.

Manganese and Its Compounds in Electrochemical Research Laboratory - №302.  

The scientific research project № 125, on the topic “The Development of Technology of Competitive Waste-Free Manganese Products at a World Market” was financed fr om June 2005 to December 2005 by the state budget of Georgia.


II. The Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Metal Treatment.

2.1.  The Direction of Materials Science:

2.1.1.      In 2004-2005, the staff of the Laboratory of Electron-Beam Technologies participated in CRDF OX2-4008-TB.04 “Design of new compositions and procedures of Ring-temperature coatings on Chromium Superalloys”;

2.1.2.      SRGU Ge GRDF BPP-20/06 “New Technologies Increasing the Heat Resistance of Chromium Based Eutectic Super Alloys”;

2.2.   The Direction of Metallurgy of Ferrous Metals:

2.2.1.      Grant project МНТЦ NO G-945.2. –"Heavy Metals in the Soil of the Mining-Enriched Regions and Natural Waters of Georgia and  the Development of Environmental rehabilitation methods", 2005-2008. (supervisor – prof. Z. Svanidze)

2.3.   The Direction of Pressure Treatment of Metals

2.3.1.      Georgian Research and Development Foundation BPG#01/07 PROJECT TITLE: Production of Composite Concrete its Reinforcement with Basalt Fiber and Wide Use in Civil and Industrial Engineering for Fabrication of Various Structures and Details” (prof. D.Nozadze, P. Ejibia).

2.3.2.      INTAS for YS fellowship grant, Brussels (Grant № 051145449).

The Optimization of technological parameters of under pressure diffusion welding, for obtaining high-quality layered composites of a steel-aluminum system, with the help of method of electrocontact heating. (Master’s student D. Matcharadze, supervisor – prof. D.Nozadze (GTU) and prof. Stephan Biom (Braunschweig Technical University – Germany).

2.4.      The topic of scientific problematic laboratory for preparation and processing of burden: "The Development of a New Technological Scheme for the Production of Silicomanganese, Which Provides the Utilization of Environmentally Dangerous Manganese Waste" (supervisor Z. Simongulashvili) financed by local grant, 2008-2009.

2.5.      The Direction of Foundry Production:

2.5.1.    The staff of the direction: assoc. prof. N. Xidasheli and assis. prof. G.Beradze took part in the performance of international project ISTC grant G-719 in 2004. “The Research of the distruction of Reactor Steal”.

2.5.2.      CRDF grant project - FSTM GEE2-005066-TB-05.

“Deformed Cast Iron as an Alternative Material for Steel Parts of Oil-Producing Equipment”.

On the 25-27 of September at the faculty of Chemical Technologies and Metallurgy of Georgian Technical University the first international congress of founders and material scientists was held. (The initiator and organizer doctor A. Barbaqadze)

The Educational-Research Centre “Welding” at the faculty every year organizes International Research Conferences (publishing conference proceedings), issues scientific-technical referred journal with the stamp ISSN, wh ere also systematically are published the scientific papers of students .

At the center has been prepared and published four-lingual terminology in volume of 50 forms. (The head of the centre - prof. S. Iakobashvili).

The mentioned-above centre has close relationship with the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences E. Paton Electric Welding Institute the head of which is the president of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, academician Boris Paton.

The centre has also close relationships with European Welding Federation, the leading Welding Centres and educational institutions of Bulgaria, Poland, Germany, Russia and Portugal.

The faculty issues scientific-technical and industrial, illustrated, registered, referred journal "Ceramics".

Since September 2007 at the faculty of Chemical Technologies and Metallurgy has been functioning the permanent scientific seminar “The Modern Aspects of Substances and Materials Technologies". (the supervisor - prof. T. Agladze and prof. M. Oqrosashvili)

At the faculty has been created and functions a computer centre The Faculty is designed and operated by a computer center which provides scientific staff with computer technique and Internet access.