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Within the Framework of the Jean Monnet Module Project an International Scientific Conference was held at Georgian Technical University

On November 4-5, 2022, within the framework of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet module project and together with the Association of European Studies for the Caucasus (AESC) the International Scientific Conference "The Caucasus at the Crossroads: What Role for the EU?" was held at Georgian Technical University.
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Scientific Topics

Scientific Topics


The faculty of Chemical Technologies and Metallurgy of GTU


I. The Department of Chemical and Biological Technologies:


1.1. The direction of Electrochemical Engineering (supervisor prof. G. Agladze)

1.1.1. Development of technology for obtaining products with high added value from manganese raw materials;

1.1.2. Investigation of the mechanism of corrosion and passivation of metallic materials, development of technologies for obtaining anticorrosive galvanic coatings;

1.1.3. Electrochemical purification and disinfection of natural and waste water;

1.1.4. Electrosthesis of oxidants and disinfectants (hydrogen peroxide, oxygen compounds of manganese, chlorine, bromine);

1.1,5. Dispersed and gas-diffusion three-dimensional electrode systems for electrochemical curells and electrochemical synthesis. Modern design of electrochemical reactors.

1.2. The direction of Silicate technology (supervisor Prof. T. Gabadadze):

1.2.1. Chemistry and technology of silicates (cement, glass, ceramics, refractory, constructional and other traditional and new materials);

1.2.2. Chemistry and technology of electronic materials (oxide superconductors, conductors, semiconductors, dielectrics, ferrites, fiber optic lasers, optoelectronic and other new materials);

1.2.3. Chemistry and technology of biomedical materials (bioceramics, pyroceramics, biobinders, etc.).

1.3. The direction of Composite materials and production technology ( supervisor prof. Z. Kovziridze):

1.3.1. Advanced composites obtained by nanotechnologies on ceramic and polymeric matrix;

1.3.2. Composites based on refractory oxygen and oxygen-free compounds;

1.3.3. Research and production of high-strength polymeric composites with tribological properties;

1.3.4. Research and production of electrically conductive, polymeric and ceramic composites.

1.4. The direction of the technology of organic substances (supervisor prof. M. Maisuradze):

1.4.1. Biological research and synthesis of indole-containing heterocyclic compounds with antituberculous and antiviral activation.

1.5. The direction of Biotechnology (supervisor prof. T. Buachidze):

1.5.1. Bioconversion of plant raw materials (waste); A) for biofuel production; B) for the production of food protein;

1.5.2.. Obtaining and use of cellulose enzymes.

1.6. The direction of Pharmacochemistry and Pharmacology (supervisor prof. T.Tsintsadze):

1.6.1. Extraction of biologically active substances from natural raw materials of Georgia, an integrated study of their physical, physicochemical properties, their toxicity and manufacturing of medicinal preparations from them;

1.6.2. Microelements in medicine;

1.6.3. The role of Georgian chemists and pharmacists in the history of pharmacy.

1.7. The direction of technology of inorganic substances and household products (supervisor prof. L. Gvasalia):

1.7.1. Selection and study of new catalysts and adsorbents;

1.7.2. The use of local raw materials in the chemical industry;

1.7.3. Usage of sewage and waste gases.

1.8. The direction of Environment Protection and Ecological Engineering (supervisor prof. N. Ckhubianishvili):

1.8.1. Reduction of industrial wastes and developing of effective recovery methods;

1.8.2. Development and optimization of physical and chemical methods for analytical control of environmental pollution;

1.8.3. Creation of closed cycles of water consumption based on membrane technology and equipment.

1.9. The direction of physical and colloid chemistry (supervisor prof. N. Bokuchava):

9.1. "The investigation of current physicochemical processes in multicomponent systems during heat treatment and physical composition of products obtained as a result, and determination of the possibility of forecasting";

1.9.2. Physico-chemical research of natural medicinal resources: medicinal mud, plants, bentonite clays, mineral, underground thermal waters for their preventive use;

1.9.3. In the center "Traditional Technologies" - The creation of new types of cosmetic products with therapeutic and prophylactic properties based on the natural raw materials;

1.9.4. In the center "Traditional Technologies" - Technology of vegetable milk production and its products;

1.10. The direction of organic chemistry (supervisor prof. N. Gongadze):

1.10.1. The dyes with special optical properties: fluorescent dyes, luminophors, anisotropic dyes;

1.10.2. The catalysis of the phasatron;

1.10.3. The synthesis of new azo dyes;

1.10.4. The immobilization of organic molecules on inorganic and organic matrices;

1.10.5. The processes of degradation of synthetic dyes;

1.10.6. The biologically active compounds.

1.11. The research Center of Medical Polymers and Biomaterials (supervisor prof. R. Katsarava):

1.11.1. New polymers (a new family of biodegradable polymers);

1.11.2. Materials obtained on the basis of new polymers, biocomposites controlled by medicines (working on the principle of long-term action).

1.11 a. Electrochemical problem laboratory N 302 of manganese and its compounds (supervisor prof. J. Shengelia)

1ა.1.1. The main directions: hydro-electrometallurgical treatment of concentrates, by electrolytic metallic manganese, manganese dioxide, potassium permanganate, manganese sulfate, manganese oxide, manganese carbonate, metallic copper and other compounds, the development and improvement of technological processes for the production of new electrode materials.

1.12. The direction of general, inorganic and analytical chemistry (supervisor prof. G. Tsintsadze):

1.12.1. New coordination compounds of metal with biological ligands and study of the prospects for their usage in medicine and veterinary ;

1.12.2. Synthesis of new coordination compounds used in analytical chemistry, and the study of physical and chemical properties.

Scientific directions.

II. The department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Metals Processing:

2.1. The direction of ferrous metallurgy and the problem laboratory for fabrication and processing of charge (supervisor prof. O. Mikadze, docent B. Maisuradze);

2.1.1. The theory of metallurgical processing of charge breakage and the development of practical technologies;

2.1.2. The theory and practice of obtaining complex alloys from industrial waste and poor raw materials;

2.1.3. The theory and practice of external treatment of cast iron, ferroalloys, steel;

2.1.4. Theory and practice of external treatment of metal with exothermic slags;

2.1.5. Modern technological basis for the production of high-quality metals;

2.1.6. Scientific basis of current physical and chemical processes in the production of steel;

2.1.7. The direct processes for the production of iron and its alloys;

2.1.8. The identification of non-traditional reductants and their use in the production of ferrous metals;

2.1.9. The development of ecologically saving technologies of metallurgical production;

2.1.10. The study of environmental pollution caused by the operation of metallurgical mining and processing enterprises, identification of outflow of gases from the furnace and development of cleaning methods;

2.1.11. Preliminary preparation of fusible charge materials, manganese and iron alloys for melting;

2.1.12. The development of technology for grinding waste of ferroalloys production, low-quality manganese and iron fine-grained, dispersing ores and concentrates;

2.1.13. The development of technologies for obtaining metallurgical concentrates from low-grade manganese ores and ores enriched with waste;

2.1.14. The development of technology for obtaining shaped coke from local coal, a special type of reductant and semi-coke, as well as household and energy fuel;

2.1.15. The development of technology for obtaining ore-carbon complex materials for use in the production of carbothermic electro-ferroalloys;

2.1.16. Thermodynamic analysis of the processes of obtaining ferroalloys using special programs and computers;

2.1.17. The intensification of the process of obtaining ferroalloys of manganese using briquettes of charge materials;

2.1.18. Thermodynamics and heat engineering of metallurgical production - construction of metallurgical furnaces and thermal work;

2.1.19. Since 2004, “Chiaturmanganese and Zestafoni Ferroalloys Plant have been introduced technologies”, developed by the scientific and problem laboratory, which is engaged in preparation and processing of charge (Prof. N. Tsereteli). “That provides in the process of the enrichment of ores, the production of high-quality charge special materials and the smelting of silicomagnum from them (protected by patents)”.

2.1.20. The production of a high-basic concentrate from the poor ores of Chiatura manganese and enriched waste was developed and implemented, and from it the medium-carbon ferromanganese melting technologies with a highly economical effect. The results of the preparation and processing of charge, obtained in the laboratory and published, are widely covered in fundamental monographs and included in the textbooks with a stamp, issued in Moscow and intended for higher educational institutions.

During the last 10 years, 3 candidate and 2 doctoral dissertations were defended by the staff of the laboratory. The closest scientific cooperation links the problem laboratory with the advanced scientific centers of the former Soviet Union (Moscow Institute of Steel, Baikov Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian National Metallurgical Academy, Ukrainian State Scientific Research Institute of Steel, Alloys and Ferrous Alloys, and others). Scientific works in the coauthorship were jointly executed   and published, etc. During the last 10 years, the staff of the problem laboratory presented reports at four international conferences (13 reports in all) in the city of Nikopol.

2.1.21. In 2002, at the direction of ferrous metallurgy, for the first time was published (under the supervision of prof. G. Kashakashvili) a Georgian textbook "Metallurgy of Steel", together with other departments of the Georgian Technical University , in the form of a book is being prepared for publication Ukrainian-Georgian-Russian-English-German-French dictionary of metallurgical terms (supervisor prof. G. Kashakashvili), the first electronic version of which was published in 2007 as a CD.

2.2. The direction of the metallurgy of non-ferrous metals (supervisor prof. Z. Okrostsvaridze):

2.2.1. Ecologically safe processing of industrial wastes of arsenic deposits in Racha and Zemo Svaneti;

2.2.2. Investigation of samples obtained during the study of the archaeological (Sakdrisi) gold deposit;

2.2.3. Doping tool steel with diamond particles according to the rules of powder metallurgy;

2.2.4. Recovery and restoration of worn parts in the railway industry by welding-on;

2.2.5. Leaching of the Kazreti copper deposit to obtain noble metal;

2.2.6. Purification of Georgia's rivers from solid toxic elements.

2.3. The direction of Materials Science (supervisor prof. A. Gordeziani):

2.3.1. Ultradisperse and nanometric technology for the production of powders (supervisor prof. M. Okrosashvili);

2.3.2. The peculiarities of the occurrence of phases and the character of the distribution of the "base-cover" structural zones in the transition zones (including incompatible pairs), which are formed through the condensation of the components of the vapor stream and the course of reactive diffusion;

2.3.3. The influence of the state and structure of the surface of the base layer on the adhesion of condensed layers and incompatible pairs, structure and phase composition;

2.3.4. The effect of heat treatment on the structure and phase composition of nonequilibrium composites;

2.3.5. Technology of obtaining protective coatings by electron beam evaporation and condensation of an anticorrosive material based on refractory chromium alloys Fe-Cr-Al-La (Y).

2.4. The direction of metal processing with pressure (supervisor prof. J. Lomsadze):.

2.4.1. The production of composite concrete by its reinforcement with a basalt thread and the widespread use of reinforced composite concrete in civil engineering, in various designs and in the production of parts (supervisors prof. D. Nozadze, P. Edgibia);

2.4.2. The optimization of technological parameters of diffusion welding under pressure, for obtaining high-quality laminated steel and aluminum composites, electrical contact heating methods (prof.: D. Nozadze - GTU and prof. Stefan Bohem-Braunschweig - Germany, master D. Matcharadze).

2.5. The direction of welding production (supervisor A. Sulamanidze):

2.5.1. A new resistance welding technology was developed (supervisor prof. A. Sulamanidze), which allows adding various thicknesses to welded parts materials, taken with respect to the "hot" contact of the symmetrically located cast core of the welded point. The developed technology significantly improves the quality of the seam and its stability. The original technology of micro-welding with alternating current has also been developed: these technologies have been successfully implemented in the space industry, in particular: 1) the thickness of the sheet is 50 + 300 microns for welding from a solar battery (Moscow Institute of Power Engineering); 2) sheets of stainless steel 50 + 50 microns thick for Georgian space antennas (Institute of Space Facilities of Georgia).

2.5.2. High-enthalpy, laminar plasma spraying technology and plasmatron. (supervisor associate prof. M. Khutsishvili). With the help of the mentioned technology, the coefficient of use of the powder decreases 1.5 times, the length of the plasma torch increases, which ensures the maximum velocity of the particles and their temperature, thereby increasing adhesion and reducing noise from 100-120 decibels up to 80-60 decibels. The theme is performed by GBTC under the international project GSM 1196.

2.5.3. Ecologically clean technology for plasma cutting of ferrous and non-ferrous metals (supervisor prof. Z. Sabashvili). The ecologically clean process is achieved due to the use of the plasma-forming medium of water vapor. The eсological characteristics are reduced by 60-70% compared to air-plasma cutting, the quality of the cutting surface improves.

2.6. The direction of new technological processes of foundry production, and "The Laboratory of Material Properties - N 373" (supervised by prof. V. Kopaleishvili):

2.6.1. The improvement of technological properties and structure of aluminum cast iron (supervisor prof. R. Gvetadze);

2.6.2. The austempering and ausforming of moulded and deformed cast iron;

2.6.3. The high-temperature deformation of cast iron;

2.6.4. The thermomechanical treatment of cast iron;

2.6.5. Structure-properties-technology dependence in cast iron;

2.6.6. The phase transitions in cast iron;

2.6.7. The process of cast iron treatment with magnesium;

2.6.8. The friction and wear of bainite and / or deformed cast iron;

2.6.9. Strain cycle fatigue and destruction of cast iron; (supervisor prof. N. Khidasheli, G. Beradze);

2.6.10. Obtaining of electrical insulating coatings by electron radiation method, and studying their structure and physical properties; (supervisor prof. K. Khakhanashvili).

2.6.11. Controlled rolling of steel with chemical composition (n/mm²);

2.6.12. High temperature percussion gradient materials operating under conditions of cycling loading;

2.6.13. The use of the "threshold effect of silicon" for obtaining high structural strength of Fe-C alloys;

2.6.14. Copper-bearing, carbonaceous ultrafine bainite steels for obtaining unique properties;

2.6.15.Bainitic cast iron, as a material of the XXI century with high structural properties;

2.6.16. Obtaining of self-sharpening cutting tools from iron-carbon alloys containing various dispersed cementites with ultra-fine grains;

2.6.17. Operating in difficult conditions, aluminum bronze, reinforced with nanocrystalline components;

2.6.18. Methodology of precision alloying;

2.6.19. Expert examination ( and certification ( of metal production (metal ware).

(2.5.11-2.5.19, the supervisor of the topics, the supervisor of the direction and the head of the laboratory N 373, prof. V. Kopaleishvili. A large-scale work was carried out in this part - 2.5.13, 2.5.18, and the part - 2.5, 14, 2,5,15, 2,5,16, 2,5,17, 2,5,19,2 is in the process of being finalized).