18 ნოე

Within the Framework of the Jean Monnet Module Project an International Scientific Conference was held at Georgian Technical University

On November 4-5, 2022, within the framework of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet module project and together with the Association of European Studies for the Caucasus (AESC) the International Scientific Conference "The Caucasus at the Crossroads: What Role for the EU?" was held at Georgian Technical University.
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Professional Educational Programs

Professional Education

III –level

Technician of Environmental Protection 

Oil and Gas Processing Specialist

Ecological control specialist of food products

Expert of Chemical and Food Products

Technician of Food Products

Lab assistant of chemical analysis of Substances and Materials

Specialist on the production of Pharmaceutical preparations



IV –level

Technician of Environmental Protection 

Specialist on artistic processing of metals

Oil and Gas Processing Specialist

Lab assistant of chemical analysis of Substances and Materials

Specialist on Perfumery-Cosmetic manufacturing technologies

Ecological control specialist of food products

Specialist on manufacturing of Food Products

Specialist on the production of Pharmaceutical preparations



V –level

Technician of Environmental Protection 

Specialist on artistic processing of metals

Oil and Gas Processing Specialist

Lab assistant of chemical analysis of Substances and Materials

Specialist on Perfumery-Cosmetic manufacturing technologies

Ecological control specialist of food products

Specialist on manufacturing of Food Products

Specialist on the production of Pharmaceutical preparations



Catalogue of Professional Programs