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Within the Framework of the Jean Monnet Module Project an International Scientific Conference was held at Georgian Technical University

On November 4-5, 2022, within the framework of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet module project and together with the Association of European Studies for the Caucasus (AESC) the International Scientific Conference "The Caucasus at the Crossroads: What Role for the EU?" was held at Georgian Technical University.
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The Department of Chemical and Biological Technologies:

1.     General, Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

2.     Organic Chemistry

3.     Physical and Colloid Chemistry

4.     Technologies of Silicates

5.     The Processes, Apparatus and General Chemical Technologies, Biomedical Polymers

6.     Technologies of Inorganic Substances and Household Products

7.     Technologies, Inspection and Control of the Bio-, Nano-, Medical Ceramic and Polymerical Composites,

8.     Electrochemical Engineering

9.     Environment Protection and Engineering Ecology

10. Technologies of Organic Substances

11. Biotechnologies


The Pharmacological Department:

1.     Pharmocochemistry and Pharmocology


The Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Metal Treatment

1. Materials Science

2.     Foundry and New Technological Processes

3.     Metallurgy of Ferrous Metals

4.     Pressure Treatment of Metals

5.     Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals

6.     Welding Production