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Within the Framework of the Jean Monnet Module Project an International Scientific Conference was held at Georgian Technical University

On November 4-5, 2022, within the framework of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet module project and together with the Association of European Studies for the Caucasus (AESC) the International Scientific Conference "The Caucasus at the Crossroads: What Role for the EU?" was held at Georgian Technical University.
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The faculty of Chemical Technologies and Metallurgy.

Nowadays 5 departments function at the faculty of Chemical Technologies and Metallurgy:

·       The Chemical and Biological Department, the head – Nazi Kutsiava, professor

·       The Department of Chemistry, the head – Maia Tsintsadze, professor

·       The Department of Pharmocology, the head – Tamar Tsintsadze, professor

·       The Environmental Engineering, the head – Dimitri Eristavi, professor

·       The Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Metal Treatment, the head – David Nozadze, professor.

At the faculty of Chemical Technologies and Metallurgy functions educational scientific laboratories and centres which are equipped with modern material and technical base and programme resources:

·       GTU Materials Science Centre of Bio-Nano Ceramics and Nano Composites, the head - Zviad Kovziridze, professor

·       The Technological Centre of Structural and Electrical Insulating Ceramics, the head – Zviad Kovziridze

·       The Educational Scientific Centre of traditional Technologies, the head – Nana Bokuchava, professor

·       The Experimental-Creative Centre of Artistic Enamels and Material Processing, the head – V. Gordeladze, assoc. professor.

·       The Educational Scientific Centre of Chemical Technologies and Management, the head – Tengiz Iashvili, professor

·       The Scientific Research Centre of Biologically Active Substances, the head – Tengiz Tsitsivadze, professor

·       The Centre of Electroctrochemical Technologies of Functional Coatings and Nanoparicles, the head –Tamaz Agladze, professor

·       The Research Centre of medical Biotechnologies and Bioengineering, the head – ramaz Qatsarava, professor

·       The Scientific Centre of Fiber-Reinforced Compositional Materials, the head –D. Nozadze, professor

·       S. Iakobashvili Educational Research Centre, the head - A Gagnidze, professor

·       The Centre of Welding Technologies, the head – Malkhaz Khutsishvili, professor

·       The Educational Scientific Centre of Electrical Metallurgy, the head – Badri Maitsuradze, professor

·       The Centre of Computer Management, the head – Giorgi Gaikharashvili, senior specialist.