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Quality Assurance Service

Quality assurance is the internal and external evaluation procedures, which contributes to the implementation of higher education institutions to improve the quality of teaching.

GTU's Quality Assurance Service (QAS) established under the Law on Higher Education, with the purposes to enhance educational and scientific-research activities as well as academic staff capacities, and acts in line with GTU mandate and QAS regulations. Quality assurance contributes to the quality of education to ensure a high level of teaching, learning and assessment through the introduction of modern methods.
QAS key objectives are: assessment of the university's educational and scientific - research activities and working out relevant recommendations in order to increase university's capacity, to support the introduction of contemporary teaching methods, to contribute to the staff's professional development, introduction main principals of Bologna process and the integration area in the European educational area. Also it is one of the QAS priorities to organize and support GTU's authorization and accreditation processes. QAS of GTU operates with  structure, regulation and team