21 Sep

The Georgian women's national team is the winner of the world team championship

The Georgian women's chess team won the title of world champion at the world team championship
21 Sep

Festive event of the faculty

On September 25, at 3:00 p.m.,  the graduation evening of the undergraduate students of the Faculty of Business Technologies and the ceremonial reception of freshmen will be held  In the Ivane Javakhishvili hall of GTU
21 Sep

Rector's congratulations

The rector congratulates the national women's chess team of Georgia on winning the title of world champion for the second time
21 Sep

Erasmus+ exchange programs in Lithuania and France

Erasmus+ exchange programs in Lithuania and France for the spring semester of the 2023-2024 academic year
21 Sep

Project writing and counseling camp

On October 16-20, the writing and counseling camp will be held again in Tbilisi. Applicants can register until October 4, 2023
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II International Scientific Conference was held"Globalization and Modern Business Challenges"


II International Scientific Conference was held"Globalization and Modern Business Challenges"

On May 25-26, an annual International Scientific Conference was held on the initiative of Faculty of Business Technologies of Georgian Technical University. Since the foundation of the abovementioned faculty, the 2nd Conference is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Georgia's independence.Generally, the independence, freedom and democracy of the country are three separate hypostases, based on the modern essence of progress and the concept of state development.Professors and students of higher education institutions, as well as representatives of foreign scientific circles, participated in the work of the conference.Namely: Wilhelm Hoyzer - professor of the University of Saarland Technologies and Economics; Andreas Brant - Honorary Doctor of GT, Head of the Berlin Bureau, Professor of the University of Berlin; Julia Duvay and Julia Papz - Associate professors at the Dnepropetrovsk National University Management Department; Galina Fillu - Head of Department of Economic Enterprises of Taras Shevchenko National University,Professor; Galina Kuzmenko - a professor at the Central Technical University of Ukraine, Honored Economist of Ukraine; Galina Lapushnik - Professor of the Gitman National Economic University Leonid Shmayevich - Professor of Central Ukrainian Technical University Ivana Tchaikovsky - Academic Doctor of the Krakow University of Poland.
Conference Speaker talked about modern business challenges with globalization and presented their own scientific and practical vision, which should facilitate business development and socialization issues.It was not only the concept of conceptual concepts, but the specific offer to the authorities.Finally, the Conference focused on advanced views, deepening of cooperation and sharing experience with the advanced countries of Europe.The above mentioned conference reaffirmed the priority of education and scientific thought aimed at socialization of society to achieve social progress.