21 Sep

The Georgian women's national team is the winner of the world team championship

The Georgian women's chess team won the title of world champion at the world team championship
21 Sep

Festive event of the faculty

On September 25, at 3:00 p.m.,  the graduation evening of the undergraduate students of the Faculty of Business Technologies and the ceremonial reception of freshmen will be held  In the Ivane Javakhishvili hall of GTU
21 Sep

Rector's congratulations

The rector congratulates the national women's chess team of Georgia on winning the title of world champion for the second time
21 Sep

Erasmus+ exchange programs in Lithuania and France

Erasmus+ exchange programs in Lithuania and France for the spring semester of the 2023-2024 academic year
21 Sep

Project writing and counseling camp

On October 16-20, the writing and counseling camp will be held again in Tbilisi. Applicants can register until October 4, 2023
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San Diego State University Continues Seminar Series for Academic Staff and Students at Partner Universities


The next sessions will be held on January 27-29, from 20:00 to 22:00.

The topics of the seminars are for the students of partner state universities to get acquainted with the master's and doctoral programs of natural sciences, engineering and education at San Diego State University.

January 27, 20:00 - 22:00:

Mini-Course IIIA - San Diego State University California Campus Master's and Doctoral Programs in Natural Sciences:

Zoom registration link https://SDSU.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIqcOqorjgiH9305F0nF-1CRnIrlV3W-Ygr

              Meeting ID: 867 7300 3859Б Password: 992055

January 28: 20:00 - 22:00:

Mini Course IIIB - San Diego State University California Campus Master's and Doctoral Programs in Engineering and Computer Science

Zoom registration link: https://SDSU.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIsce6urTMoH9H3RPNli_GQ4f_TyGb6dPYo

Meeting ID: 861 6763 8255

Password: 335871

January 29 20:00 - 22:00:

Mini Course IIIC — San Diego State University California Campus Master's and Doctoral Programs in Psychology and Education

Zoom registration link: https://SDSU.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0sd-6sqzorHdbzIFBWxvByk8XF6RSnP0xE

Meeting ID: 891 0745 1172

Password: 008600