21 Sep

The Georgian women's national team is the winner of the world team championship

The Georgian women's chess team won the title of world champion at the world team championship
21 Sep

Festive event of the faculty

On September 25, at 3:00 p.m.,  the graduation evening of the undergraduate students of the Faculty of Business Technologies and the ceremonial reception of freshmen will be held  In the Ivane Javakhishvili hall of GTU
21 Sep

Rector's congratulations

The rector congratulates the national women's chess team of Georgia on winning the title of world champion for the second time
21 Sep

Erasmus+ exchange programs in Lithuania and France

Erasmus+ exchange programs in Lithuania and France for the spring semester of the 2023-2024 academic year
21 Sep

Project writing and counseling camp

On October 16-20, the writing and counseling camp will be held again in Tbilisi. Applicants can register until October 4, 2023
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Georgian Technical University offers students the electronic learning platform

16-03-2020 In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus, the students of all three levels - undergraduates, graduates and PhD students - will study electronically. The process is conducted through an electronic platform.
The platform address is: elearning.gtu.ge

Electronic Platform Rules for the Students:
1. After logging on to the platform, in the upper right corner you should click on the link - Log in
2. The screen will pop up with a username and password. The username and password is the same as it is at the individual page of the student's academic performance (Student's Individual Electronic Sheet).
3. After identifying the platform, a home page will appear on the screen with list of the courses (lectures).
4. To move to the desired course (lecture) you must click on the course name.
5. At the end of the course (lesson) there is a “Assignment” box (if available), through which the student can receive, download, and finally upload the completed assignment at the platform.
6. The student can access the platform at any time.
7. Any student activity recorded on the platform.
8. There is a forum at the platform where the student has the opportunity to ask a question that will be answered.