21 Sep

The Georgian women's national team is the winner of the world team championship

The Georgian women's chess team won the title of world champion at the world team championship
21 Sep

Festive event of the faculty

On September 25, at 3:00 p.m.,  the graduation evening of the undergraduate students of the Faculty of Business Technologies and the ceremonial reception of freshmen will be held  In the Ivane Javakhishvili hall of GTU
21 Sep

Rector's congratulations

The rector congratulates the national women's chess team of Georgia on winning the title of world champion for the second time
21 Sep

Erasmus+ exchange programs in Lithuania and France

Erasmus+ exchange programs in Lithuania and France for the spring semester of the 2023-2024 academic year
21 Sep

Project writing and counseling camp

On October 16-20, the writing and counseling camp will be held again in Tbilisi. Applicants can register until October 4, 2023
See More News

News Digest

Credits of  BAF  Certification Program

According to the Article 24 of the Professional Certification Standard  BAF recognizes the disciplines (subjects) of the certification program  at Basic Level of Competence Forties under the modules F1 / F2 / F3. Interested applicants have to fill the forms enclosed below and send it to the BAF office

Georgian Federation of Professional Accountants and Auditors

Tbilisi, Tsereteli Ave. 61
(+995 32) 235 67 56
(+995 32) 235 43 97
(+995 32) 235 11 47

www.baf.ge, www.gfpaa.ge

ACCA-„Managerial Accounting“

Entrepreneurship Day

"Entrepreneurship Day" was held at Georgian Technical University Hosted by the Faculty of Business Technologies


Speech at the Methodical Workshop

PhD student’s report at the Interdisciplinary Research Methodological Seminar

(Project Institute of the Research Institute of Public Administration of GTU Faculty of Business Technologies)

On December 27, 2019, doctoral student Ketevan Kandelaki participated in a seminar organized by the Teaching and Research Scientific Center –“ Application of Mathematical Methods in the Humanities”.

Ketevan Kandelaki presented a PhD study at the seminar: Comparative analysis of separate phases of Tbilisi's sustainable urban transport strategy (mathematical methods of research); She talked about the importance of using research: overcoming the problem of organizing the transport system, evaluating the measures to be taken by the municipality and central government to create a rational transport system in the city.


Report of the research projects

Report of the research projects

On December 27 at was held the discussion about the scientific-research projects which have been completed at the Faculty of Business Technologies:

1. "The Connection of Intellect and Creativity in Managerial Activity"

2. "Ensuring European Quality of Teaching and Development Prospects, Results and Further Steps"

3. "Peculiarities of Formation of Winemaking Cluster in Georgia in Competitive Conditions"

4. "Methodology for Determining, Forming and Realizing Entrepreneurial Potential in Pupils and Yoth"

5. The Problems of Reforming the Financial Accounting and Auditing System in a Market Economy