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03 აგვ

Erasmus+ - GTU Assoc. Professor STA Mobilitiy at WUST

On July 17-21, 2023, Assoc. Prof. Nino Topuria from GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems visited Wrocław University of Science and Technology - WUST (Wroclaw, Poland) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities. See the related mobility report presented by Assoc. Prof. Nino Topuria
02 აგვ

Erasmus+ - GTU Professors STT Moility at UPSaclay

On July 4-7, 2023, Professors from the GTU Faculty of Medicine Zaza Sopromadze (Dean of the Faculty), Irakli Kirtadze and Tinatin Gognadze and Prof. Zviad Gurtskaia form the Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems visited Paris-Saclay University - UPSaclay (Gif-sur-Yvette, France) within Erasmus+ mobility project for administrative activities. See the related mobility report presented by the Professors of the Faculty of Medicine
31 ივლ

Erasmus+ - GTU Assoc. Professor STT Mobilitiy at WUST

On July 3-7, 2023, Assoc. Prof. Boris Gitolendia, Deputy Dean for Science and International Relations of the GTU Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanics Engineering visited Wrocław University of Science and Technology - WUST (Wroclaw, Poland) within Erasmus+ mobility project for administrative activities. See the related mobility report presented by Assoc. Prof. Boris Gitolendia
02 ივლ

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course in Agile and Scrum Methodology at LUT

On 27 May - 3 June, 2023, Assist. Prof. Samson Darchia from the GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems visited Lublin University of Technology - LUT (Lublin, Poland) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and delivered the lecture course in Agile and Scrum Methodology. See the related mobility report presented by Assist. Prof. Samson Darchia
30 ივნ

Erasmus+ - GTU Professors STA and STT Moilities at POLIMI

On June 5-9, 2023, Prof. Gocha Mikiashvili, Prof. Malkhaz Razmadze (International Design School) and Prof. Nino Imnadze (Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design) visited Politecnico di Milano - Polimi (Milan, Italy) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic and administrative activities. They participated in the “Mantova Architettura” event and delivered the lecture course and seminars related to the sustainable approaches of Cultural Heritage in the Caucasian Region. See the related mobility report presented by Prof. Gocha Mikiashvili
28 ივნ

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course and Seminars on Laser-plasma Physics and Resonance Spectroscopy Methods

On June 5-16, 2023, Prof. Paata Kervalishvili and Prof. Tamar Berberashvili from GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems visited Paris-Saclay University (Paris, France) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and delivered the lecture course and seminars related to the development and scientific research of laser-plasma physics and resonance spectroscopy methods. See the related mobility report presented by Professors Kervalishvili and Berberashvili
26 ივნ

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course in Theoretical Mechanics at KUT

On June 12-16, 2023, Invited Professor Lali Kajaia from GTU Faculty of Civil Engineering visited the Koszalin University of Technology - KUT (Koszalin, Poland) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and delivered the lecture course in Theoretical Mechanics and participated in the Workshop organized by the project coordinator KUT. See the related mobility report presented by Prof. Lali Kajaia
23 ივნ

Erasmus+ - GTU Professors STT Mobility at INSA Rennes

On June 4-11, 2023, Professors of Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems of the Georgian Technical University: Kartlos Kachiashvili, Davit Natroshvili, Mariam Chkhaidze, Zaza Tsiramua and Vakhtang Kvaratskhelia visited the  INSA Rennes (National Institute of Applied Sciences in Rennes, France) within Erasmus+ mobility project for administrative straff training activities. See the related mobility report presented by the Professors
23 ივნ

Erasmus+ 25th Anniversary International Week - GTU Representative STA Mobility at AGH University of Science and Technology

On 17-21 April, 2023, Assoc. Prof. Natia Kochladze from GTU Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design visited AGH University of Science and Technology (Krakow, Poland) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and participated in the Erasmus+ 25th Anniversary International Week. See the related mobility report presented by Assoc. Prof. Natia Kochladze
04 ივნ

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course on the Business Administration Issues at VIKO

On 15-19 May, 2023, Invited Prof. Nino Kavtaradze from GTU Faculty of Business Technology visited Vilnius Kolegija Higher Education Institution - VIKO (Vilnius, Lithuania) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and delivered the lecture course on the Business Administration issues. See the related mobility report presented by Prof. Nino Kavtaradze
04 ივნ

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course on the Modern Research Technologies and Methods at VIKO

On 8-12 May, 2023, Prof. Tamari Beridze from GTU Faculty of Business Technology visited Vilnius Kolegija Higher Education Institution - VIKO (Vilnius, Lithuania) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and delivered the lecture course on the Modern Research Technologies and Methods. See the related mobility report presented by Prof. Tamari Beridze
04 ივნ

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course on the Human Resource Management at the Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution

On 8-12 May, 2023, Assoc. Prof. Tamar Kajaia from GTU Faculty of Business Technology visited Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution (Kaunas, Lithuania) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and delivered the lecture course on the Human Resource Management. See the related mobility report presented by Assoc. Prof. Tamar Kajaia

30 მაი

Erasmus+ - GTU Student Anna Kekelidze Mobility/Internship at Paris-Saclay University

Postgraduate student Anna Kekelidze from GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems has been conducting internship at Paris-Saclay University (Gif-sur-Yvette, France) within Erasmus+ mobility project, during the spring semester of 2021-2022 academic year (02.05.22-01.07.22). See the related mobility report presented by Ms. Anna Kekelidze
22 მაი

Erasmus+ International Week - GTU Representatives STT and STA Mobility at Sivas Cumhuriyet University

On May 8-12, 2023, the Erasmus+ International Week was held in Sivas Cumhuriyet University (Sivas, Turkey), where the following representatives of GTU have been participating: Prof. Ketevan Mdinaradze (Faculty of Civil Engineering); Prof. Tamar Loladze (Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy); Prof. Manana Vasadze and Assist. Prof. Nino Omanadze (Faculty of Business Technology); Assoc. Prof. Natia Kochladze (Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design) and Assoc. Prof. Tamar Papachashvili (Faculty of Mining and Geology). See the related mobility report presented by Prof. Ketevan Mdinaradze, Prof. Tamar Loladze, Prof. Manana Vasadze, Assist. Prof. Nino Omanadze, Assoc. Prof. Natia Kochladze and Assoc. Prof. Tamar Papachashvili
14 მაი

Erasmus+ International Week - GTU Representatives STA Mobility at IPBeja

On April 17-21, 2023, Beja Polytechnic Institute - IPBeja (Beja, Portugal) organized the Erasmus+ International Week where GTU representatives: Prof. Rusudan Kutateladze, Assist. Prof. Nino Omanadze from the Faculty of Business Technology and Prof. Nino Chkhartishvili from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Biosystems Engineering have been participating within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities. They delivered the presentations on the following topics: "Motivation as the driving force of the organization"; "Recruitment and personnel selection" and "Georgia - the Homeland of Wine". See the related mobility report presented by Prof. Rusudan Kutateladze, Assist. Prof. Nino Omanadze and Prof. Nino Chkhartishvili
13 მაი

Erasmus+ - Lecture and Practical Course on SEO at UD

On 24-28 April, 2023, Assoc. Prof. Rusudan Papiashvili and Invited Lecturer Ekaterine Papava from GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems visited the University of Debrecen - UD (Debrecen, Hungary) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and delivered the lecture and practical course on the Search Engine Optimization (SEO). See the related mobility report presented by Assoc. Prof. Rusudan Papiashvili and Ekaterine Papava
13 მაი

Erasmus+ International Week - GTU Associate Professor STA Mobility at LUT

On 17-21 April, 2023, Assoc. Prof. Mzevinar Nozadze from GTU Faculty of Business Technology participated in Erasmus+ International Week hosted by the Lublin University of Technology (Lublin, Poland) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and delivered the presentation about the "Managing Business Finances" and lecture course on the Financial  Management. See the related mobility report presented by Assoc. Prof. Mzevinar Nozadze
30 აპრ

Erasmus+ - GTU Associate Professor STA Mobility at UM

On 21-30 March, 2023, Assoc. Prof. David Bostanashvili from GTU Faculty of Architecture, Urban planning and Design visited the University of Malta - UM (Msida, Malta) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and delivered the lecture course on the Poetics of Architecture. See the related mobility report presented by Assoc. Prof. David BostanaSvili
12 აპრ

Fenerbahçe University - III USBED/IJSES International Conference on Social and Educational Sciences

On 19-21 October 2023, Fenerbahçe University (Istanbul, Turkey) will host the “3rd USBED/IJSES International Conference on Social and Educational Sciences”
09 თებ

Erasmus+ - GTU Student Ketevan Arveladze Mobility at Junia ISEN Lille

Postgraduate student Ketevan Arveladze from GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems has been studying at Junia ISEN Lille (Lille, France) within Erasmus+ mobility project, during the fall semester of 2022-2023 academic year. See the related mobility report presented by Ms. Ketevan Arveladze

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